Quality Assurance
Our business model is supported by a foundation of structured systems and processes, quality assurance and accreditation.
We are committed to continuous improvement across our organisation, with a strong focus on Quality our Environment, and Health and Safety.
Our business units undergo rigorous induction training and ongoing management process to ensure delivery of Demos’ consistently high quality service.
Demos Property Services will develop, implement and maintain management systems for sustainable development that drive continual improvement.
The adoption of environmentally sustainable cleaning practices was a natural progression from our long-standing commitment to quality assurance, health and safety. To this end, Demos Property Services maintains the following third party accredited management systems to ensure we achieve consistently high standards:
Quality Management Systems - ISO 9001:2015
Environmental Management Systems - ISO 14001:2015
Health and Safety - ISO 45001:2018
Good environmental practice is good business. Environmental sustainability has been adopted as a key principle across our entire operations, from procurement and training through to service delivery.