Our Memberships and Partnerships
Demos Property Services is committed to working with our industry, clients, suppliers, government, and community organisations to create a sustainable and brighter future for everyone.
Reconciliation Australia – Endorsed Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan
Reconciliation Australia is an independent not-for profit organisation and lead body for reconciliation in Australia. They promote and facilitate reconciliation by building relationships, respect and trust between the wider Australian community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Reconciliation Australia provide guidance and have reviewed and endorsed our Innnovate Reconciliation Action Plan.
Supply Nation Member
Forty five years of evidence (US research) demonstrates that a diverse supply chain brings significant business benefits – sustainability, innovation and flexibility.
Australian data shows that spending with Indigenous businesses creates greater social benefits than the dollar amount on the invoice.
We are proud to be a Supply Nation member and ensure that we can develop a sustainable and effective supplier diversity program.
Property Council of Australia - Sponsor
The Property Council of Australia is the leading advocate for Australia’s biggest industry and biggest employer – property with values which mirror ours – People, Leadership, Excellence, Collaboration and Integrity.
We have been proud sponsors and supporters of the Property Council for over 20 years, including the emerging leaders “Future Directions” division and Mentoring program.
Alannah & Madeline Foundation - Sponsor
The Alannah & Madeline Foundation is a charity we have now supported for a number of years – assisting to enable the Foundation’s programs care for children who have experienced or witnessed serious violence, and work to create behaviour change in the community to reduce bullying and cyberbullying.
The Foundation’s programs include: Better Buddies, eSmart, Buddy Bags, Children Ahead, Refuge Therapeutic Support Program and the National Centre Against Bullying.
Supply Chain Sustainability School
The Supply Chain Sustainability School of Australia is a not-for-profit initiative that aims to create more sustainable supply chains for the property, construction and infrastructure industries in Australia.
Launched in 2015, they are a free learning environment, upskilling those working within, or aspiring to work within, the built environment sector. They help to build a clever, collaborative and competitive built environment through increasing knowledge and competency of social, environmental and economic sustainability.